
We saw 8 Mantas today!

Mr. Segia and his son come back to CAHAYA BLUE DIVE CENTRE again and we went to Manta Point.

At first, Mr.Segia was a little bit worried to go there since he had experienced seasickness last time at Nusa Dua. This time he took some motion sickness pills.

Luckily, he was no problem at all! We were able to see 8 Mantas.

We really had a good dive!

After the diving, we had gone to a small local restaurant called DOBIL.

This local restaurant is very popular.

We had traditional Balinese food, BABI GULING ( Suckling Pig).
They said that the taste was really good, and they were very excited.

It is always our pleasure to welcome repeaters at CAHAYA BLUE DIVE CENTRE.

We really appreciate they came back to our dive centre.

We hope they will remember this great dive forever.


Dived in Nusa Penida

Yesterday, Cahaya Blue Dive team had diving in Manta Point.
The water condition was good, and we were able to see so many Mantas!
Our gusts were from Russia. They were experienced divers.
At the second dive, we dived in Crystal Bay. The visibility was good.
We found a lobster, and Giant Travelly fish.
We really had a good time!


Dive at Tulamben

15/12/ 2009

We welcomed Mr. Segia and his son, and went to Tulamben for diving.

They had taken dive course with us. They came back to Bali and contacted us.

We really appreciate their kindness to remember us!

They said that the water condition at Tulemben is better than Nusa Dua.

They found more variety of fish there.
CAHAYA BLUE DIVE CENTRE, hope will be able to dive with them again.


Dive with Spanish divers


We receive a group of Spanish divers .
Some of them tried diving at Nusa Dua. It was first time for them to go diving!
The rest of them went to Nusa Penida and Manta Point .
They said that Nusa penida is one of the best diving site in Bali.
At the Manta point, they saw so many manta rays.
We enjoyed diving with this group for 3 days.
We really appreciate they chose Cahaya Blue Dive Centre!!

Dive experience with Iman and Olga

We enjoyed diving with Miss Olga Belova and Mr Imanilipour!
These 2 German divers took dive course with Cahaya Blue Dive Centre.
They made reservation thruogh Melia Bali Sol hotel at Tanjoung Benoa.
They said that the dive was very good. They liked their first time experience under the water.
After the dive course, we went to Menjangan ,Tulamben Amed.
They chose Manta Point for the last dive.
At Manta point, we saw many manta rays. It was first time for us to feel earthquake under water!! We were surprised, however, we had no problem.
Thank you so much for diving with us Iman and Olga!
I hope you will remember us and return to Bali in the future.