
We saw 8 Mantas today!

Mr. Segia and his son come back to CAHAYA BLUE DIVE CENTRE again and we went to Manta Point.

At first, Mr.Segia was a little bit worried to go there since he had experienced seasickness last time at Nusa Dua. This time he took some motion sickness pills.

Luckily, he was no problem at all! We were able to see 8 Mantas.

We really had a good dive!

After the diving, we had gone to a small local restaurant called DOBIL.

This local restaurant is very popular.

We had traditional Balinese food, BABI GULING ( Suckling Pig).
They said that the taste was really good, and they were very excited.

It is always our pleasure to welcome repeaters at CAHAYA BLUE DIVE CENTRE.

We really appreciate they came back to our dive centre.

We hope they will remember this great dive forever.

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