

NUSA DUA dive site.
To all reader of CBDC's blog here we explain about dive site from Nusa Dua.This dive site is good for divers who want to dive without traveling far.It's suit table for people
who want quick,easy dive or refreshing dive skill before continue to another famous dive site in Bali.A lot of fish coral grow from 3 meter slope down to max depth of 18 meter.


Kadek wi is one of the man works with CBDC ,he comes from Singaraja city start working since
one year ago.Funny man and like to have joking with the people ,He can do this because his capable to speak porringer language English very good. Start learning diving and knowledge very hard,he said ....I have to be a dive Master one day...........What a good looking from him ,he maintain his body shape by every tow days in the fitness centre.The moto from from him: Safe the aquatic life.Here the picture from wi ( surname ).

Happy Earth day aprill 2010

Made Arnita
PADI dive instructor #469030#
Arnita one of the instructor works with CBDc and has already many dive experience in Bali,he has started diving since he was at 20 years old.And according to his dive log he record almost up to tow thousand dive has made in his life.And expert to most dive site in Bali including the hard one which is call Gilli Tapecong. Recently Made ( his surname ) often teaching candidate diver for the dive certification,on his surface interfal time he also go with the guest for fun dive.Funny man and often has jock while gest handling time makes the situation more happy,comfortable and fun for the guest.The moto of made as a diverprofesional DIVE IS MY LIFE AND PRESERVE THE AQUATIC LIFE.The More profile of made pleas click his Face book loogin Arnita made.

This time of the morning day just start the sky picking up to like a few days ago ,now the sun already rising up from the east of the horizon, shining the island of Bali which make all people to be happy again.
When the sky cloudy usually the running of life as well as the biusnis of the tourism of industry
not so good but that is the nature, at that time we can't do anything.Here CBD says wellcome and good morning to all reader of the CBD's blog.


With all bless from the god because of the chance, We proud to tell all reader of the Cahaya Blue Dive Cent re fans at blog spot that right now our t-shirt has done,They come with tow deference coolers pink and the blue.The coming of tow coolers for meet the demand of the guest as souvenir after joined Cahaya Blue Dive,Beside it this t-shirt all so for sell so if any of the reader interested to collect t-shirt like this pleas contact Cahaya Blue dive for further information at the extensions 0361 8820032 or reader can sent email to gededive@yahoo.com . Here the picture of the t-shirt.


This time of year has just start Mola- Mola fish time at Nusa Penida island, even this fish not so often coming up to sallow water but the sign She had already noticed by the time e few days ago we where there.Event ought the best time to go there during jun,July,august and but still depending on water condition overt-her. We hoppe'll be really able to see this rear fish under water
again this year ............ here the pictur of the fish:


Thank you

Thank you to Mr frederick & Natilda

Cahaya Blue Dive was very proude to be one of dive shop to organized divetrip to Nusa Penida.

And we hoppe to dive nect time when you come back to bali.


Last time our team from Cahaya Blue Dive Centre had guest from Canada.They came to Bali
with their license PADI scuba diver and they went to Nusa Dua with us for another dive in order to upgrade the license into PADI open Water ,they relay enjoyed dive with us because so many fish
they have seen .


dive at Nusa dua Bali

Dear Mr adline & uliana
Thank you for diving with us at Nusa dua ,we apriciate you to joined diving with
cahaya blue dive.We hope after your trip around Bali Cahya blue dive will be able
to meet you again.See you !!



Thank you, Mr Matthias and his friend!
Cahaya Blue Dive team guided Matthias to dive at Nusa dua area.

They said, Schones tauchgang!!!!! Villen Dank !!!!.

So in the coming days, we are planing to dive with them again.See you Matthias.


repetter guest


Mr Raul and his son came back to Cahaya Blue Dive Centre to
dive at Nusa Dua again.
The son had introduction dive at Nusa Dua a few days ago.

We went to different place for diving. The diving was very good!
They enjoyed diving because the water was very clear.
They also enjoyed feeding fish.
We are planning to dive at Manta Point in the near future.
Thanks for joining, Mr. Raul!



Cahaya blue dive team went diving to Nusa Dua with the guest from spain
one of them had no dive license and the other one experience diver
They said that the water at Nusa dua was very clear and diver with out license
rely enjoyed the first dive experience.So Mr Rahul the cahaya
blue dive team very thank you and appreciate your time to dive with us.
We hoppe to dive with you soo.